LiverChrom Granular

Specialized nutritional supplement designed to support and enhance liver health and regulates blood sugar level. Its unique formulation is aimed at promoting efficient metabolism and regulating various physiological functions within the body.


LiverChrom Granular

Specialized nutritional supplement designed to support and enhance liver health and regulates blood sugar level. Its unique formulation is aimed at promoting efficient metabolism and regulating various physiological functions within the body.

Organic Chromium

No Side Effects


KKM 600-7/2/1 Jld. 471 (28)

Improve insulin resistance

GLUDYNA enhances cells’ responsive- ness to insulin, promoting better blood sugar control.

Control Blood Glucose & Lipid

GLUDYNA helps maintain stable blood sugar and healthy lipid levels.


GLUDYNA’s components combat inflammation, promoting overall wellness.


GLUDYNA supports balanced functions, potentially contributing to a longer life.


GLUDYNA’s anti-inflammatory elements can slow visible signs of aging.

Decrease Body Weight

GLUDYNA’s effects on insulin can aid weight management efforts.

Get to know our

Ingredients :

D-sorbitol (sweetener), oatmeal powder, whey protein isolate, Arabic gum, salt, GalaChrom Lactoferrin Chromium, Vitamin E, maltodextrin, sodium succinate, silica.

Recommended Dosage: :

For General Health (2 packets, once daily)
To increase Metabolism / To regulate physiological functions (2 packets, twice daily)

Best taken before food or 2-3 hours after food.
Can be directly consumed or mixed with water, milk or soya milk.
Avoid drinking tea / coffee / caffeinated drinks 30 mins before consuming Gludyna.

Why is Gludyna different from others?

This type is found in many chromium supplements on the market. However, it has a low absorption rate of only about 0.4% to 2% by the human intestines.

This type is more effective. It includes forms like Brewer’s Yeast, Chromium Nicotinate, Chromium Picolinate, and the unique Gludyna GalaChrom Lactoferrin Chromium.

In simple terms, Gludyna is different because it contains the special GalaChrom Lactoferrin Chromium which falls under the more effective organic chromium category. Also, what makes Gludyna GalaChrom Lactoferrin Chromium special is its safety and high absorption rate. Unlike inorganic chromium, Gludyna’s organic chromium is absorbed well by the body.


Are you prepared to begin the your healthy journey?

Choose our exceptional product for a brighter, healthier future. Innovation and well-being combine in
our unique formulation, elevating your vitality and lifestyle. Start your journey today.